- Oil And Gas Surveys
- Land/Boundry Surveys
- Mapping
- Platting
- R.O.W. Determination
- Construction Staking
- GPS Surveying
Good mapping is essential for every project. We have in house mapping sources of Montague and the surrounding counties that dates from back to the 1950’s up to current times with digital aerial photos and USGS Quad sheets. We also keep current vector files of the appraisal district tax maps for many counties in north Texas. We have Heydricks Maps, Tobin Maps and GLO maps as well as numerous City maps and Alcorn plats.
Block 80 HCSL.pdf
Boundary Survey.pdf
G.C and S.F RR A586.pdf
Lots 35 and 36 Woodlands Estates.pdf
Oil and gas location plat.pdf
Oil and gas proposed access roads.pdf
Proposed access route.tif
southern union gas company.pdf